29 November, 2016

72) A hike from Robanov Kot to Korošica - 11/Sep/2016

Robanov Kot is a beautiful Alpine valley, just next to the more famous Logarska dolina.
The valley is off-limits to motorised traffic, you need to park your car near the entrance, and continue on foot.
So we did, and then we hiked all the way up to Korošica plateau, under the summit of Ojstrica.
It's a fun hike, with some steep parts when climbing up from the valley to the plateau.

28 November, 2016

71) Lake Bled - 02/Jul/2016

There's never enough of Lake Bled videos.
We spend a week in Bled each summer, and also visit often throughout the year.
This video shows a stroll around the lake with my son, and he also had some fun with his RC speedboat.

27 November, 2016

70) Mostnica gorge - 30/Jun/2016

After spending most of the day on the shore of Lake Bohinj, why not stretching your legs a bit?
Mostnica gorge is just nearby, just outside of Stara Fužina.
This gorge is about 2 km long, up to 20 meters deep, and in some places no more than one meter wide.
The river Mostnica has sculpted some amazing features in thousands of years, one of the most prominent is "The elephant".

26 November, 2016

69) A day out at Lake Bohinj - 30/Jun/2016

A relaxing day out on the shores of Lake Bohinj.
Swimming and chilling out in a beautiful setting.
Our kid played with his RC speedboat, and I swam across the lake to the other shore and back.

25 November, 2016

68) Vintgar gorge - 28/Jun/2016

Vintgar gorge gets quite a lot of visitors, because it's not far from Bled.
It does not take too long to hike from Bled to Vintgar.
With a car, it's just a few minutes drive.
The gorge is about a mile long, with near-vertical walls reaching up to 100 meters high.
It's a beautiful walk above the rapids and waterfalls of impossibly green river Radovna.
The gorge ends with a 13-meter high waterfall Šum.
The best time for taking good pictures and video is in the middle of a day, when the sun rays reach the gorge.
We went in the evening, so the video could be better - but that's OK.